Rectifiers and inverters


Power supply systems for demanding industrial users (110-220 V DC) and telecommunications (12-24-48-60 V DC).

Modular rectifiers, inverters, DC/DC converters and combined devices.

Modular Switched Mode Rectifier 4,4 kW

PS D400G110-200: 110VDC max 200A
PS D400G110-400: 110VDC max 400A
PS D400G110-600: 110VDC max 600A
PS D400G220-100: 220VDC max 100A
PS D400G220-200: 220VDC max 200A
PS D400G220-300: 220VDC max 300A

Mode Recitifier 4,4 kW
Cordex CXRF 4,4kW 110/220VDC

Rackmount System Controller
Cordex CXC 110/220VDC


Modular Switched Mode Rectifier 1,1 kW

PS D400G110-60: 110VDC max 60A
PS D400G110-120: 110VDC max 120A
PS D400G110-180: 110VDC max 180A
PS D400G220-30: 220VDC max 30A
PS D400G220-60: 220VDC max 60A
PS D400G220-90: 220VDC max 90A

Mode Rectifier 1,1 kW
Cordex CXRF 1,1kW 110/220VDC

Rackmount System Controller
Cordex CXC 110/220VDC


Modular Inverters 2,5 kVA

INB G110E230-10: 110VDC max 10kVA
INB G110E230-20: 110VDC max 20kVA
INB G220E230-10: 220VDC max 10kVA
INB G220E230-20: 220VDC max 20kVA

Modular Inverter
TSI Bravo 2,5kVA

Rackmount System Controller


Combined Systems with Mode Rectifiers 4,4 kW and Modular Inverters 2,5 kVA

PS D400G110-200/E230-10: 110VDC max 200A/230V max 10kVA
IPS D400G220-100/E230-10: 220VDC max 100A/230V max 10kVA

Mode Rectifier 4,4 kW
Cordex CXRF 4,4kW 110/220VDC

Modular Inverter 2,5 kVA
TSI Bravo 2,5kVA

Rackmount System Controller
Cordex CXC 110/220VDC


Other devices, devices according to special requests

In terms of configuration and power, modular devices are fully adaptable to individual customer requirements. Thus, by using them, you ensure a solution that fully suits your needs.

In case you need a rectifier with multiple system voltages, we offer solutions with additional converters.

Systems with anti-cells or additional converters meet the most stringent requirements in terms of tolerance limits of output voltage.

Devices with non-standard system voltages.

Basic characteristics of modular devices:

  • High level of availability and reliability,
  • Modular structure,
  • Flexibility and simple use,
  • Sine input current, pf=1,
  • Simple servicing,
  • Optimal battery charging and maintenance,
  • Selective switching off of modules,
  • Integration into local and remote monitoring.



We provide quality single- and three-phase UPS devices from 400 VA to 6.4 MVA, suitable for numerous applications ranging from home use to powering major industrial facilities and data centres.

Reliability is their main characteristic as they ensure optimal uninterruptible power supply that protects your network in case of poor weather, poor industrial or operating conditions or due to a hand-held device.

Choose reliable and custom-tailored solutions!



tip VFD



Custom-order SYNCHRO+ transfer panels are suitable for the most demanding applications where a reliable power supply system includes several electric generators in parallel, several mains cords or switching points. They allow for load testing of electric generators without disturbance to users and permanent mutual operation of several power sources in parallel.

For more demanding applications, where, due to the sensitivity of the users connected, the switching between the mains and the generator sources needs to be interruption-free, we offer our SYNCHRO line of transfer panels, manufactured by Prinsis. They allow for load testing of electric generators without disturbance to users and permanent operation in parallel with the mains.

For less demanding applications, where a mode for automatic switching of the electric generator in and out of the power supply system will suffice, we offer CTI and ATI transfer panels, manufactured by CATERPILLAR (NI). The switching between the mains and the electric generator sources is interrupted.



We are an authorised distributor of CATERPILLAR (NI) Ltd. for the FG Wilson electric generator brand.

Proven quality and long lifespan
Modular noise suppression enclosures for power up to 750 kVa

Executed with a noise suppression level that meets Stage II of European directive 2000/14/EC, or for operation in environmental temperatures up to 50 °C.

Modular containers for power up to 1875 kVA, or non-modular version for power up to 2500 kVa

Designed for the toughest working conditions, due to low emissions, they are suitable for use in a wide variety of sectors or environments, including living environments.

20kVA-2000kVA mobile generators in various versions
